America, I Think It’s Time We Had A Discussion About Your Gun Habit

America, It's been close to a year since I last wrote and, here I am, writing again about how you have a problem. This time, we need to talk about your gun problem because it is a problem. You guys can't seem to go a month without a mass shooting and all your politicians seem willing to … Continue reading America, I Think It’s Time We Had A Discussion About Your Gun Habit

I’ve Started a Book Club… And We Have Our First Book

First off, I've set up a book club on GoodReads for us called Just The Books of a Millennial. Yes, it is partially an excuse to buy more books for my shelf at home but it's also a better way of having conversations about books (I hope). Don't worry, it's not going to be like … Continue reading I’ve Started a Book Club… And We Have Our First Book